Tutorial for Information Technology

Lesson-1 on Information Technology

Question: What is Bandwidth ?
Bandwidth is the capacity or amount of data that is transmitted over a network, processor bus, cache bus, or I/O bus. Normally expressed in bits/second, bytes/second, or cycles/second.

Question: What is Cookie?
A piece of information sent by a Web server to a Web browser. The browser software is then expected to save the data and send it back to the server whenever the browser makes additional requests from the server.

Question: What is E-Commerce ?
Conducting business transactions through electronic transmissions between computers. Typically used in reference to doing business over the internet.

Question: What is Encryption ?
A type of network security in which information sent over the network is encoded so that only the intended users can access the information.

Question: What is Ethernet ?
A LAN cable-and-access protocol that uses twisted-pair or coaxial cables and CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection).

Question: What is FTP (File Transfer Protocol) ?
A file-sharing protocol that requires users to log in their name for verification and security purposes. It allows users to transfer text and binary files to and from a PC, list directories on the foreign host, delete and rename files on the foreign host, and perform wildcard transfers between hosts.

Question: What is HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol)?
Answer :
The protocol for transfer of hypermedia documents that is the foundation of the World-Wide Web. In the simplest sense, the protocol consists mainly of "send me this resource" requests from a Web browser to a Web server, and a "here it is" or "can't find it" or "not right now" reply from the server to the browser.

Question:  What is HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)?
Answer :
A simple-hypertext publishing language based on computing's lowest common denominator; ASCII. HTML document is a mixture of ASCII text and special reserved character sequences called tags that control formatting of the text. HTML is a subset of the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML).

Question:  What is Hub?
A hardware device that serves as the junction where individual PCs and other network devices connect to each other.

Question: What is Hyperlink ?
A "hot spot" within an HTML document. Hyperlinks can be clicked by the viewer to cause a "jump" to another document or other resource on the same or another Web server. The hyperlink has two components: the text or graphic that is displayed by the Web browser and the URL of the corresponding resource.
Question: What is Internet?
A conglomeration of networks connected together forming a world-wide network. Uses the TCP/IP protocol as the backbone. Originally developed for military purposes, but now used more for commercial use.

Question:  What is IP (Internet Protocol) ?
A low-level protocol that routes packets of data across separate networks tied together by routers to form the Internet or an intranet. Tracks the Internet address of nodes, routes outgoing messages and recognizes incoming messages.

Question:  What is IP Number?
Each machine or "host" that participates in any Internet transaction, whether it be a PC or a Cray supercomputer, is identified by a unique 32-bit value called the IP number. The IP number is used as either a return address or a destination address in all Internet transactions.

Question: What is Packet in Internet?
Answer :
An individual bundle of data that is transmitted across the network..  Each packet includes information about its size, origin, and destination, as well as error detection and correction bits, in addition to the data being sent.

Question: What is Server?
A computer system in a network shared by multiple users. Examples include mail, database, fax, web, print, terminal, and video server systems.

Question: What are the different number system used in computer?
1)    Decimal Number System
2)    Binary Number System
3)    Octal Number System
4)    Hexadecimal Number System.
Question:  What are the different type of computer based on size and capacity?
1)    Micro computer
2)    Mini computer
3)    Main frame computer
4)    Super computer.
Question:  What is Browser ?
A software like Netscape, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Safari

Question:  What is Cache?
 A place where files are stored temporarily to make things go faster on your
computer. Also called temporary files.

Question:  What is CD-ROM ?
 CD-ROM tands for “Compact Disc—Read-Only Memory.” A plastic disc for storing files. Can be a music disk, a program disk, or just hold files.

Question:  What is Operating System
It is the  software that runs a computer, before any other programs are
opened (ex: Windows 95, Windows 2000, Macintosh OS10, Linux)

Question:  What is Program ?
Answer :
A specific set of ordered operations, or instructions, for a computer to
perform. Typically, the program is put into a storage area accessible to the computer.
Examples are Microsoft Word, E-Term 32, and Internet Explorer.

Question:  What is Spyware?
Answer: Any software that covertly gathers user information through the user's
Internet connection without his or her knowledge.

Question:  What is USB port?
USB Stands for “Universal Serial Bus.” A plug on the computer's exterior that
connects peripheral devices, such as mice, modems, and keyboards.

Question: What is Virus?
Answer :
A piece of programming code usually disguised as something else that causes
some unexpected and usually undesirable event. Viruses can be transmitted as
attachments to an e-mail, as downloads, or be present on a diskette or CD.

Question: What is www?
www stands for “World Wide Web.” When the internet was new, most web
addresses started with www. To save typing, many websites do not use the www in
their address.

Question:  What is Website?
A place on the web, usually devoted to one theme, service, or organization. A website is composed of many webpages.

Question: What is Window?
Answer :
An on-screen box that contains information for you to look at or work with.

Question: What is Algorithm?
 A formal set of instructions that can be followed to perform a specific task, such as a mathematical formula or a set of instructions in a computer program.

Question: What is Application ?
Answer :
An application is a program that is designed to perform specific tasks. A few examples of some popular applications are:

-Microsoft Windows
-Microsoft Word
-Adobe Photoshop
-Internet Explorer
Question:  What is ASCII?
 It stands for "American Standard Code Information Exchange" and is pronounced (ask-ee). A standard code or protocol for displaying characters and transferring data between computers and associated equipment. It was developed for the purpose of information exchange among the following:

-Associated equipment 
-Data communications systems 
-Data processing systems
There are 128 standard ASCII codes each of which can be represented by a 7 digit binary number: 0000000 through 1111111.

Answer:  Stands for Basic Input/Output System. The BIOS gives the computer a little built-in starter kit to run the rest of softwares from floppy disks (FDD) and hard disks (HDD). The BIOS is responsible for booting the computer by providing a basic set of instructions. 

Question:  What is Blog?
A blog is a person journal that can be accessed publicly and allow people to comment on the previously posted comments. When someone posts a comment to a blog this is called "blogging". The person that owns the blog is called a "blogger". Most typically, blogs are updated on a daily basis and use the most basic of formats so that a person with very little background in computing can easily figure out how the blogging system works.
Radio technology that connects electronic devices without using a cable. Data and voice can be exchanged at ranges of up to 10 meters without the need for devices to be lined up together.

Question: What is  BUS ?
Answer :
A bus is a grouping of wires that allow the flow of data from one area of the computer to another..

Question:  What is Cable Modem?
 A cable modem is a type of Internet connection that is transmitted through a coaxial cable. The benefits of this technology are that you are able to achieve much faster speeds through a cable connection and that most homes are already setup with a cable TV setup, making the Internet connection very simple.

Question: What is  Internal Modem?
Answer :
A modem that resides on an expansion board that plugs into a computer. In contrast, an external modem is a box that attaches to a computer's COM port via cables.
Question: What is Intranet ?
Answer :
 A private network for communications and sharing of information that, like the Internet, is based on TCP/IP but is accessible only to authorized users within an organization. An organization’s intranet is usually protected from external access by a firewall

Question:  What is LAN?
A computer network that spans a relatively small area. Most LANs are confined to a single building or group of buildings. However, one LAN can be connected to other LANs over any distance via telephone lines and radio waves.

Question:  What  is Plotter?
Answer :
A computer output device that draws images on paper using a pen. A plotter draws real lines rather than simulating them as a conventional printer would by producing a series of very close dots.

Question: What is Router?
A device that connects any number of LANs. Routers use headers and a forwarding table to determine where packets go, and they use ICMP to communicate with each other and configure the best route between any two hosts.

Question: What is Spam?
This is to transmit unwanted messages, usually over email, to a great many people

Question:  What is SQL(Structured Query Language)?
Answer :
A specialized programming language for sending queries to databases. Most industrial-strength and many smaller database applications can be addressed using SQL.

Question:  What is Trojan?
 A type of computer virus that is loaded into an unsuspecting users system via a host program such as a free game. The Trojan can be programmed by the author to perform many actions once activated by the user.

Question: What is VoIP(Voice Over Internet Protocol)?
A network that allows for real-time conversation by sending digital voice information in the form of packets over the Internet rather than the traditional circuit-committed protocols used by public telephone networks.

Question:  What is WiFi (Wireless Fidelity)?
It is  known as Wireless Networking, commonly using the 802.11b protocol. Hardware that displays the WiFi logo claims 802.11b compliance should interconnect seamlessly.

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